Korrupsjon og menneskerettigheter: Alt henger sammen - Program
08:00 Registrering og servering
08:30 Velkommen

John Morrison
CEO of Institute for Human Rights and Business
Morrison holds over two decades of business and human rights advisory experience, including roles with the United Nations, UK government’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office, General Electric and the governments of Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway and Switzerland.
Introduction to the connection between human rights and corruption

Helge Kvamme
CEO hos Kvamme Associates, tidl. etterforskningsleder (KRIPOS/ØKOKRIM), hvitvasking- og utredningssansvarlig (DNB) og leder for granskings- og compliance-avdelinger innen revisjon (PwC) og advokatvirkomhet (Selmer).
The dynamics and mechanisms of bribery and corruption & the role of western businesses

Nnimmo Bassey
Direktør for tenketanken Health of Mother Earth Foundation (HOMEF) og Raftoprismottaker 2012 for sitt arbeid for menneskers rett til liv, helse, mat og vann
The consequences of corruption & the importance of anti-corruption work in Nigeria
How to combat corruption: The role of the private sector

Dr. Monica Kirya
Interim Deputy Director at CMI’s U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre

Dr. Guillaume Nicaise
Senior Adviser at CMI’s U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre